Las alergias, artículo en inglés

Hello to everyb@dy: Today I'd like to speak to you about allergies. We all have suffered them some time in our life, in greater or lesser degree, with more or less intensity. Normally, we identify allergies for some substances that cause allergies, and so it could be, but it is not the whole explanation. Of course we recognize "external bodies", so to speak, that there are outside the world, causing allergies when they get into our body. If it is so, in my opinion, the medical science (the allergist) is responsible of identify them, study them and prescribe properly the actions or procedures with that will defend us against these strange (external) bodies. But for us psychologists, partly also physicians, those phenomena that trigger this type of medical conditions cause disorders in side us that we are very concern in study or investigate them. That is, when those external bodies drop within us, produces a series of nervous, respiratory and eruptive p...